Travelling Tutors
Having a private tutor on board opens the doors to both adventure and education. Whether you plan to spend the majority of your voyage on the open seas, or to use your yacht to move from one location to another exploring the coastline, we can find the ideal Tutor.
A perfect match
Whether you have specific subjects in mind, or want a tutor to deliver a rounded curriculum which takes advantage of changing surroundings, we will find the tutor that fits your plans and exceeds your expectations.
Each family and every student is unique, so your tutor is handpicked – this is the key to success. As well as being outstanding educators with impressive subject knowledge, many of the tutors we recruit have additional qualifications and experiences, allowing them to fully explore the learning potential of the voyage, even enabling them to be active members of the crew should this be required.
Make the most of any setting
From geology and science lessons on the slopes of a volcano, to helping students write and perform their own Greek tragedies while cruising the Mediterranean, Sea Tutors will make the most of any setting, absorbing the local geography and culture into their lessons. Wherever you take them, Sea Tutors make the world their classroom.

Discreet approach
We understand that privacy is important to our Clients and we take this very seriously. Our Tutors are discreet, professional, educators. But we take no risks at this level. We conduct extensive background checks and are happy that you may want our Tutors to sign up to your own non-disclosure agreements in addition to the confidentiality terms in our own contracts.
Highest level of service
We pride ourselves on the high level of support we offer to both clients and tutors. With over 30 years’ experience in the education industry, clients can be assured that placing their confidence with Sea Tutors means they have put their children’s education in safe hands.