Private academic tutoring could allow yachting enthusiasts extra time on the water over the holiday season, reports leading sea tutoring provider

Friday, November 20th, 2015

Provider of travelling private academic tutors, Sea Tutors today published advice for families wondering how to combine children’s education with extended winter breaks.

Taking a private tutor along on extended family yachting breaks enables families to enjoy more quality time together at sea as they head for winter destinations such as the Canaries and the Caribbean, without compromising children’s education.

Sea Tutors, providers of exceptional private tutors to UHNW families with a love of travel, worldwide, are well-versed in placing tutors on one-off, fixed term projects with families seeking to get away for longer over the winter period and enjoy their hobby as a family, while also ensuring that children’s academic requirements continue to be met.

Adam Caller, founder of Sea Tutors, commented, “Headteachers are usually willing to authorise extended absences when they have the assurance that a child’s academic progress will be maintained during that time and that they will remain up to speed on curriculum when they do return to the classroom. Our tutors are extensively interviewed and matched with our clients to ensure that they have the expertise required for life on board, to tailor learning experiences to the student’s individual needs and the current curriculum.”

The marine environment can prove to be a highly unique and exciting learning experience for children. Activities such as snorkelling and exploring deserted beaches provide tutors with the opportunity to use this environment to their advantage and really capture the child’s imagination. This is as much an adventure for tutors as it is for their students.

Mr Caller adds: “We have seen time and again how taking learning out of the classroom provides children with the opportunity to explore new environments and experiences and develop individual skills on a one-to-one basis, which often can reignite their love of learning upon their return. Several members of our core team have first-hand experience of life at sea and recognise what an exciting and inspirational learning environment it can be for children and tutors alike.”

Sea Tutors boasts over 30 years combined experience in the education sector and have expertise in a diverse range of education scenarios. For more information on private tutoring at sea and to discuss options, visit

Sea Tutors is an award-winning elite private tutoring company, specialising in full-time private tuition for those who travel extensively.

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